The publishing bug has bitten me, and like all
artists, the little taste of exposure has enticed me to chase more of it. So I do.
The funny thing that has happened on the way to this
chap book is the exorcism of much of the poisonous blood I have carried about
my relationship to my mother. I knew
that journaling is a great way to release and heal but I had forgotten the
healing power of poetry…sounds so stupid when it comes onto my page…but that is
what is happening. My voices in my head
have been dictating poems about her for months and, out of my Morning Pages
have come many pieces with her as the star.
I don’t know if it is really helping but I know it shows the bruised
places in me about our fucked up relationship and my fantasy life of how much I
wish it weren’t so.
Such is the way of the world: we are sold a bill of goods promising us that
our homes will be safe, our parents will be the tv sitcom perfection we dreamed
of as children, and as we age that relationship will never change but will
become richer and more beautiful.
Perhaps, for some people that is, indeed, the reality – lucky them – but
more likely, the reality is closer to mine than the fantasy. Let me share with
you the pieces that have cracked me open.
Today I offer you a couple of pieces which will,
inevitably make their way into the book.
They are new. Brand new: one from
yesterday and one from today. I am quite
pleased with them. I hope you enjoy
them, too.
the locked up parts of me i promised to protect
Somewhere in the back of her mind –
so far back it was in a place she could barely reach
without the aid of a step-stool –
somewhere, deep in the back of her, lives a shadow in
the figure of a girl;
a woman-child.
A shadow,
like the carbon-burned shadow forms blasted,
melted into concrete in Hiroshima or Nagasaki –
an outline of something once female hovers
with memories of dolls and tea sets and Easy Bake
but somewhere closer –
so much closer that the step-stool was useless –
somewhere close in her, lives a memory of all of that
all of those eyelashes,
and ankle socks,
forming some kind of wordless allurement to touch,
sans invitation,
sans desire,
sans understanding of the weight of the hand on her
her head,
her breasts.
The laughter burned in her ears and scorched her brain
like the Hiroshima hand prints left on her body
and she shut her eyes tight in quiet solitude,
promising never to be female again.
R. L. Elke
Dec 29/16
laws as they apply to my mother
Law #1: an
object (me) will remain at rest or in
uniform motion (my peaceful life)
unless acted upon by an external force (you). Objects (me) will remain in their state of motion (my
life) unless a force (you) act to change the motion (fucks me up).
My life remains at rest in an orbit of its own making,
with an energy allowing me constant motion forward,
in spite of the many attempts,
to make it otherwise.
Your external force of “cookie and a punch” parenting
launches me off course –
careening into foreign bodies –
looking for uniform motion once again.
inevitable and always happens like a perpetual motion
machine knocking me toward you and away from you over and over and over
and over and…
Law #2: F
(net force) = mass x acceleration
law has certain limitations (as do we). It does
not apply to changing mass or if the object is moving close to the speed of
light or on an atomic scale – relativity and quantum mechanics apply,
respectively, in those cases, but is effective for the solution of standard
problems including the effects of friction (any time we are around each
other too long).
As so was my adolescents around you,
when your disdain for my round, pre-womanly body
forced me to quickly change or –
see Law #1 –
be cast into isolation from the adoration of your
I am not sure if it was my size or my masculine edge –
my connection to my father –
that forced you to slap me with that famous, transformative
have such a beautiful face, Ramona. Boys
would like you so much more if you lost weight.
What you didn’t know is that weight is not mass.
What I am made of could not be altered –
should not have been able to be altered by the gravity
of your words –
even though it weighed me down,
weighed on me for years.
Law #3: All forces in the universe occur in equal
but oppositely directed pairs (us). There are no isolated forces; for every
external force of equal magnitude but opposite direction which acts back on the
object – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (our
“There are no isolated forces” –
which dooms us, really, to this mess of back and
to and fro,
embrace and push back;
in this waltz of abuse enrobed in good intention.
I push,
you reach out.
I step to you,
you move away.
So it has gone on since the beginning when I appeared,
unbidden –
bad timing and all –
forcing your life away from the one you had longed
a working girl in the city,
an escapee of the chattering hamlet which had cast you
in a role you did not want
or deserve…
a theme in your life.
reacted in an equal and opposite direction,
of rejection in order to survive the changing forces
in your universe;
setting the stage for the rest of the movements of us:
to and fro,
embrace and push back,
stepping toward an running away –
the waltz of heartbreak we dance.
We are forces of nature,
doomed to be ruled by forces we cannot see,
to ways of being we may not want
because Newton has given us no other choices
because “there are no isolated forces” –
everything seems to force our motion onto
predetermined paths.
I don’t know.
Perhaps our release lay with Einstein.
R. L. Elke
Dec 30/16